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Ten reasons to trust God with your future - Psalm 40.5

Divine Note #22 - Ten reasons to trust God with your future – Psalm 40.5

This Divine Note is based on one of the greeting cards that I chose for my daughter and is dedicated to all moms and dads who have a son or daughter graduating from high school or college. She graduated from high school on Sunday. How did 18 years pass so fast? This message is also for you, if you need a new beginning or if you need to know that God has a future planned for you and your children.

Psalm 40:5 (Contemporary English Version)
You, LORD God, have done
many wonderful things,
and you have planned
marvelous things for us.
No one is like you!
I would never be able to tell
all you have done.

Ten reasons to trust God with your future
10. He planned your life before you existed
9. You get a 24-hour hotline that’s available your entire lifetime
8. His training manual is a best seller
7. Miracles are part of His outstanding reputation
6. He doesn’t ask questions about your mistakes
5. What He says goes
4. He knows your boss and he has your back
3. His rewards are not performance-based; he’s crazy about you
2. He promises satisfaction guaranteed on things like food and clothing

And the Number One reason to trust God with your future
1. Everything He does is because He loves you!

It’s only for a moment that you are mine to hold. The plans that God has for you are about to unfold. 

These are the first two sentences of the song by Mark Harris that have pulled at my heart strings for more than three years. I cry each time I hear the song. I knew the moment would come when I, as mothers and fathers have done in the past, would have to allow my child to embark on her adult flight.

Tonight I’m exhausted from celebrating this rite of passage in my daughter’s life – and I am so thankful to the great God that we both serve. I now understand how important it is to introduce our children to God when they are young. Over the past month, I have pulled together photographs (that were “organized” in boxes) into scrapbooks and I clearly saw how God has always been all over my child and family's life.

Beginning with Baptism (in the arms of our beloved pastor) at the age of one month, she became a part of the community of Christians. As her parents, we formally acknowledged the grace of Jesus Christ over her life. She attended church and joined in children and youth activities over the years.

When she was in third grade, she received her own New Adventure Bible, which was signed and presented by our beloved pastor. How priceless that our church considers it important to introduce our children to the Word of God at an early age.

One of the most amazing parts of the scrapbook details her 8th grade Confirmation. I can’t even begin to say what type of commitment it took to make sure Jackie attended each event or class that was designed to strengthen her faith and help her make a decision to follow our Lord for the rest of her life. There’s a note in her scrapbook from our pastor that reads, May the Lord pour His Holy Spirit upon you and surround you with love – and may His joy fill your heart always!

Her high school life has been graced by friends and families who also acknowledge the power of Jesus Christ. I can never thank the youth ministry enough for their leadership of our youth program. Mission trips to Latin America inspired her to think beyond herself and to consider how she can make an impact to share God’s love.

I celebrate the church community, family and friends who have supported Jackie over the years. If there’s any advice I can give another parent, it’s this: Introduce your child to Jesus and make sure they are part of a faith community. I wasn’t always walking in the Light, but despite me – Jesus made sure His precious child knew that He would always be in control of her life.

Dearest Father,
Today I thank you for the way you’ve always held Jackie in your arms even when I was a looney tune. I ask you to do the same for all graduates who are stepping into the next phase of their lives. Please guide them to make wise choices. I also ask that you give all of us – the parents – the wisdom to let our children go and to trust You to guide their paths. Thank you for giving me the privilege of being mom to such a neat person! I love you!



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