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Showing posts from March, 2010

Divine Note #50 – Are you tied securely to the vine? John 15:5

March 6, 2010 Are you tied securely to the vine? John 15:5 (NLT) “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.” Lately my life has been a flurry of activity between my work, family, personal and ministry commitments. I maintain my scheduled time with God, but I have been allowing distractions to take me away from spending intimate quality time really listening and being honest with him. When I allow distractions (fill in the blank) to consume my mind, it opens me up to temptations that I cannot afford to succumb to. When I’m distracted, I will not talk out loud about whatever is in my heart, instead I just “think” about things. When I think about things, I tend to justify my feelings. You get the picture. It all comes back to haunt me and it impacts the intimate relationship I have with the Savior of my Soul. The enemy and my old habits take over and I find myself unable to move p...

My Divine Note #49 - Facing my grief: The empty nest during spring break - Isaiah 58:9

Saturday, March 6, 2010 Isaiah 58:9 Then when you call, the LORD will answer. ‘Yes, I am here,’ he will quickly reply. On Tuesday, March 2, I spent the day celebrating my only child’s 19th birthday in the town where she attends college. We enjoyed shopping, eating and talking – all our favorite things to do together. This weekend it’s her spring break and she’s flying to Boston and then to the San Francisco area to spend time with friends and family. For the last 18 years, we’ve spent birthdays at home and spring breaks together. Birthdays in my family were always a big deal, so I made sure my child's birthdays were extra special. My heart feels heavy as all my traditions change and I move on to live my life apart from my child. It seems wrong to not be on spring break with her. A few months ago I thought that I would schedule time off to take a vacation in March, but time slipped by and it didn’t happen. I feel grateful that I am fully aware of my need to re...