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Showing posts from May, 2010

Divine Note #51 - Walking in the will of God - Colossians 1:9

Divine Note #51 – May 23, 2010 Walking in the will of God Colossians 1:9 So we have not stopped praying for you since we first heard about you. We ask God to give you complete knowledge of his will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding. My spiritual grandfather, mentor, Dr. Charles Stanley, recently preached on this topic and I left compelled to share what I have learned. This message applies to long-time or new Christians. Most of us get caught up in old habits and stray away from God’s will. It is so easy to do. But this message only applies to those who have asked Christ to forgive their sins and who have entered into a personal relationship with him. Finding God’s will 1. Read the Bible consistently 2. You must consistently pray and ask what his will is 3. Don’t just talk, listen. When you don’t listen, it could be that you’ve already made up your mind. God uses others and circumstances to get our attention 4. Get counsel from a Christian you trust. Ask...