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Radically transformed by love - 1 Corinthians 1:18-19; 2:14-15

Written June 12, 2011
1 Corinthians 1:18-19
18 The message about the cross is nonsense to those who are being destroyed, but it is God's power to us who are being saved.
19 Scripture says, “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise. I will reject the intelligence of intelligent people.”

1 Corinthians 2:14-15 14 A person who isn't spiritual doesn't accept the teachings of God's Spirit. He thinks they're nonsense. He can't understand them because a person must be spiritual to evaluate them.
15 Spiritual people evaluate everything but are subject to no one's evaluation.

These Scriptures speak of the old me – before God gave me a spiritual mind after I surrendered my will for his will on May 2, 2006. I will never forget my spiritual birthday because that’s when the beginning of wisdom – and knowing the will and heart of God began for me. I was among the self-sufficient, enlightened and yet silently desperate – attempting to find meaning in my life.

I saw God’s personal handiwork all over my family yet I hardened my heart and thought that I could do life my own way. My grandmother tried her best to talk to me about God’s absolute and never-ending love, but I refused to listen. She prayed hard for me and all of our family. I thought she was a fanatic church-lady and I felt the same way about her church people.

I wasn’t spiritually reborn in my younger years even though I considered myself a “Christian.” Being spiritually reborn allows us to know and understand the heart of God. This knowledge, coupled with the spiritual gifts that God has given me, make my communications ministry (one of the big purposes of my life) extremely urgent.

I want everyone to know what I now know.  God seeks our hearts throughout our lifetime, but we have the ability to choose to take the journey with him - or not.

Our lives are radically transformed once we believe and confess that we want Christ to live in and cleanse our hearts.  We must acknowledge our sinful ways and decide to change our lives. This sequence of events opens up a tidal wave of spiritual awakening and wisdom as we come to know God.

I understand the difference as well as the oneness of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit – finally!  I also realize how I was caught up in worldly wisdom, which made me seem quite intelligent and all together, but left my heart empty. It takes a mind renewed by Jesus Christ to understand the heart of God.

My heart loves God.


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