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Showing posts from July, 2011

My Divine Note: The surrendered life - 1 John 4:17 (GW)

July 28, 2011 1 John 4:17 (GW) 17 God's love has reached its goal in us. So we look ahead with confidence to the day of judgment. While we are in this world, we are exactly like him {with regard to love}. When the love of my Lord Jesus Christ shook up my life, important things changed: I stopped being afraid of dying because I was afraid of God’s judgment, and I learned about unconditional love. I want to go the distance with God. I will take the sad, hard times and enjoy life at the top of the mountain while I live on earth – but I see eternity and God in his glory. While I’m on earth, I want to live the surrendered life wholly dependent on the deep and enveloping love of Christ. I also want his love to live through me. I can see Him now.

My Divine Note: No one but Jesus Matthew 17:8

Matthew 17:8 As they raised their heads, they saw no one but Jesus. My life is full of very good distractions (along with some not so good ones). I have to be careful to not let any of my distractions get in the way of my personal relationship with Jesus. I have to focus on my intimacy with Jesus. We hear much about the bad distractions, but good distractions also have a way of knocking us out of sync with God. They block our ability to focus on Jesus in a one-to-one relationship. I’m not going to name any good distractions because they can be anything that stops you from hearing God’s voice. We may not even be aware of those things that stop us from listening to the voice of God. I challenge you to stop what you are doing, step back and check to make sure you are listening to his voice. Can you see and hear Jesus?

My Divine Note: I am yours! - Psalm 119:94

July 15, 2011 Psalm 119:94 I am yours. Save me, because I have searched for your guiding principles. God’s guiding principles are many times quite simple yet we make them so complex. In my seasons of sin it’s hard to walk in God’s guiding principles. Instead, it seems like Blanca’s guiding principles kick in and I shift into drive and take off so easily. One thing that I try not to do is remove myself from God’s grasp when I’m not walking in his guiding principles – aka sinning. Instead, I am open about my sin because that helps me work through it. I am not justifying my sin; but I am simply not allowing the evil one to put me over the edge anymore. Many people who have walked away from God feel like he will not forgive them or that they aren’t worthy of coming before him again. Well, I have good news if that’s your situation: God loves you no matter what. You are his. ♥

Sin is sin is sin - Galatians 5:1

July 13, 2011 Galatians 5:1 (GW) Christ has freed us so that we may enjoy the benefits of freedom. Therefore, be firm {in this freedom}, and don't become slaves again. It’s easy to let the enemy of our soul keep us in bondage to our sinful ways. Many times I find myself saying that I can’t blame everything on the enemy, but some things I can. Many preachers and teachers don’t talk about “sin” because it’s not politically correct to offend people with the topic. Sin is sin is sin. Sin keeps us bound tightly and unable to live the life that Christ planned for us. It’s like living in the basement because you refuse to climb the stairs to freedom. Once you tell Jesus, “Yes, I want your powerful life,” don’t stop! Your trip of a lifetime has officially begun!   You want to move into the next stage in your relationship with God. If you find yourself unable to break free from the chain around your neck, go get help! Talk to a trusted pastor, counselor or spiritually mature person who ...

It’s never a good idea to live with your boyfriend before marriage - 2 Peter 3:17 (GW)

July 8, 2011 2 Peter 3:17 (GW)   Dear friends, you already know these things. So be on your guard not to be carried away by the deception of people who have no principles. Then you won't fall from your firm position. I rarely watch television anymore, but I stumbled on a show that I watched two nights in a row, and I realized that I can’t go along with popular culture anymore. I recall never batting an eye at the sex, drugs, alcohol and unhealthy behaviors that Hollywood and the media bring into our homes through the television, radio, movies, videos and other emerging technologies. But last night, I was jolted when a grandmotherly woman told a younger woman that she should live with her boyfriend, so they can decide if they are compatible marriage partners. This woman (who was the young man’s mother) went on to say that it’s the twenty-first century and that the young woman should not be old-fashioned!    Before God took the veil off my eyes, I would never have blinke...

Fish can’t live without water – You can’t live without God - Ecclesiastes 3:11 (GW)

July 4, 2011 Ecclesiastes 3:11 (GW) 11 It is beautiful how God has done everything at the right time. He has put a sense of eternity in people's minds. Yet, mortals still can't grasp what God is doing from the beginning to the end {of time}. Read my bio on Twitter - @BlancaV - and you will find out that I love Jesus. I’m on Twitter to talk about how the Lord finally caught me in his arms after I insisted on living the life of a fish out of water. It’s hard to live outside of water if you were made to swim in the ocean with the big fish. J I never try to persuade anyone to see things my way nor am I out there bashing religion or trying to convert people [God does that]. That’s not my gifting. I’m out there to tweet Scripture as I’m inspired by the Holy Spirit and to tell all how God “put me back in the ocean” where I belong.   I am also an encourager and a pastoral caregiver – those are gifts from God that I use to help others. I don’t have a world view anymore nor do I try to ...

And then I heard the voice of the Lord – Psalm 29

June 1, 2011   Psalm 29 3 The Lord's voice is heard over the sea. The glorious God thunders; the Lord thunders over the ocean. 4 The Lord 's voice is powerful; the Lord 's voice is majestic. 5 The Lord 's voice breaks the trees; the Lord breaks the cedars of Lebanon. 6 He makes the land of Lebanon dance like a calf and Mount Hermon jump like a baby bull. 7 The Lord 's voice makes the lightning flash. 8 The Lord 's voice shakes the desert; the Lord shakes the Desert of Kadesh. 9 The Lord 's voice shakes the oaks and strips the leaves off the trees. In his Temple everyone says, "Glory to God!" 10 The Lord controls the flood. The Lord will be King forever. 11 The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace. I am a visual person God’s word comes alive for me, and I am passionate about wanting to know his heart. Recently I was deeply immersed in Scripture, and Psalm 29 caught my at...