James 4:10 When you bow down before the Lord, and admit your dependence on Him, He will lift you up and give you honor. I need the Lord’s strength every second, every minute, every hour and every year of my life. I cannot do life without God. How do I know this? My history is witness to my “do-it-my-own-way” failures. Yet I still forget that I need God’s guidance every minute of my life. I can blame the culture, my profession and my lifestyle. Creative people aren’t known for being humble. We like to stand out – we want to be the best and we want to do it ourselves. But I have to make a conscious choice to depend on Christ. I can’t depend on God only when I worship, go to Bible study or in ministry to others. I must depend on God all the time! I have to make a conscious decision to humble myself before God continuously because the consequences are huge. I start depending on myself and my connection to God. My faith becomes about me – and not about what God wants to do through me. ...
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