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Celebrating the day I stopped backtracking – John 15:16

May 1, 2012
John 15:16 You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name.
Just like the girl in the photo, I’m grinning as I write these words to remember how my life was before I saw the hand of God six years ago. Like that girl in the mirror who is preoccupied backtracking, I spent decades walking away, looking back and heading in the direction of the crowd.  

That girl had a very good but silently desperate life. She was smart, talented, ambitious, caring and kindhearted. She had excellent opportunities, but she preferred to do life her own way. She never stopped to consider that God had a plan for her life even though deep down in her heart she heard His calling at a young age. God gave her specific gifts that she used in irresponsible or ineffective ways for many years.
That girl did it her way.

Time and time she was disappointed by her choices, which she blamed on her circumstances or other people, of course. She blamed the religious establishment for her lack of belief as well as the people who were crazy for Christ in her own family. Oh yes, that girl in the mirror didn’t take responsibility for her wrong choices. And, she would get mad at God for every bad thing that happened to her and to those she loved.

But that same girl asked herself, “Does God really exist?”
Even when things were going well in her life –– she would wonder if there was more.
You see dear reader, until you live the life that God created you to live, you will never, ever be satisfied.

Sure you can have a lifestyle of work success, wealth, family, church, friends…you name it. But until you know the purpose for which God made you, it’s all just stuff and people. More than likely, you’ll indulge in various ways to take the edge off your perfect or rotten life.  

·       You may go to church every Sunday, serve every ministry or

·       you may blow off church because you consider religion hypocritical or

·       you may be agnostic or atheist – whatever,

BUT until you know God and have experienced the power of the Holy Spirit in tangible ways, you are not living the life you were made to live.
Six years ago God put an end to my backtracking lifestyle. I finally stopped running away and ran into His arms. God chose to reveal himself to me and I have never been the same. I'm the girl in the picture grinning. For six years my ride has been exhilarating. Each day is like my first. I’m headed God’s direction.

I know why I was born and why I live. Do you?


  1. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post. How are you doing?

  2. Hi Diana!
    Glad you liked it! Mom is hanging on in long-term hospice care. Each day is such a gift. On the days I feel sad about Mom, I ask friends to pray for me. I usually have to remind myself that I'm not in control...You know that control monster still tries to overtake me. :)

    God bless you and take care of you and your loved one. Hope you are well.


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