3:12 Adam pointing at the woman: It was she!
The woman You gave me as a companion put the fruit in my hands, and I ate it.
The Voice commentary
Since Adam and Eve, people
have been blaming others for their mistakes. Adam has the audacity to blame God
for his.
13 God to the
woman: What have you done? Eve: It was the serpent! He tricked me, and I ate.
Excuses do not change outcomes. |
Just like Adam and Eve, we
sometimes place the blame for our problems on someone else.
The blame games keep us
from growing and using the gifts God has given us to lead a full life.
Christians suffer terribly
when they place blame on others or make them responsible for real or imagined
wrongs they may have suffered.
This world will never be perfect.
Deal with the fact that
you will go through hard times -- whether of your own making or at the hands of
others. That's how life on earth is.
But here's the bright
spot: you can cope and move on. Don't be
proud. Seek help.
You will be disappointed by those you
admire or love the most.
Fact of life: the only one
who should be on our life pedestal is Holy God. Everyone else (or thing) you
worship isn't worthy.
This includes family,
friends, church family and people in all walks of your life. The life of Jesus
is the best example. If God wasn't well-received among his people, don't you
expect more.
Good people do and say stupid things.
The key for us is not to
get offended. As Christians (or decent people), we should always react to
offense with the most loving response.
This doesn't mean you
sugarcoat or ignore sin. If you are criticized, step back and consider what the
other person says. Process it before you act.
Let go of the tendency for revenge and
Life is easier when you
confront what has happened. Decide how you will deal with it. Then take action
or move on. Leave it to God.
Don't be easily offended.
Remember: no one can walk
a mile in your shoes. Don't expect them to know or understand your struggle.
Pick battles that will result in the
best outcome.
You decide how to deal
with your life. Evil should never be your influence - kidding or not. The evil
one doesn't make you do anything. You get to decide.
Don't play the blame game.
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