Today is my spiritual birthday – the date that changed my entire life. It’s the before and after life changing date when my eyes were opened to the divineness of God. I’ve been on an exhilarating and sometimes uncomfortable journey full of experiences I never imagined I could or want to handle. But the best part of my journey is how God expanded my closed “religious” mind and views. The knowledge I have is but a drop in the cosmic (heavenly) bucket; and I’ve learned that I’m in no position to impose my views on people of different faiths or no faiths. There’s room at the table for all of us. We are all welcome and loved! There’s always room at the table.My life has been about constantly getting myself out of comfort zonesI prefer…always hesitating but drawn to the next adventure. That fateful, ever evolving connection to God has powered everything about my life. It has taken me from the depths of despair to the heights of love; from the holy experience of helping loved ones transition from this Earth to watching new life make the beautiful human debut! I have seen the worst and the best of humanity. I’ve also been the least as well as the most loving human. I’m ever evolving. Through it all, the love of God wraps me in grace and familiarity. I also have greater appreciation for the bookends of life as I focus on living in today while knowing our earthly journey comes to an end quickly. The Spirit has always been there, I’m just in charge of the driver’s seat and the destinations. |
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